Sunday, June 23, 2013

Learn some heathy living tips to save your pocket!

Health science and healthy living tips are of key value to the well being of man. Welcome to the healthy living tip for today!

In many houses, charcoal is used as a fuel to cook food, boil water, iron clothes and warming.  Many of us do not know that charcoal has great therapeutic uses in life. This is why this time I bring to you new information so that you can use charcoal to help you save some money in your pocket.
Charcoal is an adsorbent. It has so many uses in application; do you know them; alright let’s look at some of them and see how helpful it is to man.
Treating malaria:
When we suffer from malaria, we feel the following symptoms; pain in joints and muscle, increased head pain (headache), vomiting, increased body temperature. When you mix 2 table spoons of powdered charcoal and drink, all those problems will cease.
Charcoal can smoothen your face and skin;
How? When you mix 1 table spoon of charcoal powder with two (2) table spoons of honey and you apply them (smear) onto your skin/ face. For how long? Take two hours after application of the paste and then wash your body or face. If you do it repeatedly, the skin rushes and pimples will be no more. Your skin and face will be like that of a baby.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Science and the existence of man

In the study of science, the topic of genetics is a common one.
Genetics teaches us about the transmission of genes from parents to offspring. The genes are the factors which determine the characteristics of living organisms. When we talk of resemblance of children to the parents we are taking about the characteristics children got from their parents.

Since man is sexually reproducing, what we see in children is a contribution of the genes from the father and mother to those children. Thus even at the time of choosing partners for marriage the two should consider their characteristics to predict how their children will look like.

Some genes are dominant (more powerful) that they show higher tendencies of expressing themselves that those which a recessive.

The characteristics of Height, skin color, Eye color, skin color, face shape; general body shape, ear shape and length are determined by the genes we get from our parents.

There is another issue that we need to properly understand. In human beings it is the man who determines the sex of a child. The genes are carried on threadlike structures called chromosomes. One of the chromosome pairs is for sex determination.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Oxygen- the breath of life

The breath of life- people always pray for it. When breathing stops there is a reason to worry!!
Whoever is living needs a breath of life. It is necessary for us all. Oxygen is the gas we need to live. 

All living organisms have a way to obtain oxygen from the environment into their bodies. Some organisms use very simple mechanisms to breathe whereas others have complex ones.

Simple organisms such as the amoeba are single celled and the process of simple diffusion is sufficient to meet the cell’s oxygen needs.  The worms have moist skins in which oxygen dissolves and is then carried away by blood capillaries to all the cells in inner parts.
 Insects have a system called tracheal system; they take in gases through their spiracles which dissolve in the fluid within the tracheoles and then diffuse into the insect tissues. The blood of insects does not carry respiratory gases.

The fish also need oxygen; they obtain it from water which they take in through the mouth, to the gills and pass it out through the operculum. As the water passes through the gills gas exchange takes place.
