Monday, November 4, 2013

A lesson on obesity and the causes of obesity!

What is obesity?
Obesity is the condition of being grossly fat or overweight
What causes obesity? 
The following habits have been identified and proven to be major causes of the sickly, health threatening condition of obesity.

Watching TV:
TV watching for prolonged hours is a strong predictor for obesity. Recent research has proved that people who watch around two hours of TV a day are much more likely to be overweight than those who watched only half an hour each day. When you watch TV you are virtually motionless thus your heart rate, blood pressure and metabolic rate decline, resulting in burning 20 to 30 calories less every hour. Research by Harvard University has showed that there is a link between the amount children eat and the amount of television they watch.

Eating Too Fast: This is habit of many people living in fast paced societies. Eating fast lets you eat too much before you are fully aware of it. The human brain takes about 15-20 minutes to start signaling feelings of satisfaction. Scientists suppose that fast eating is a risk factor for the metabolic syndrome which is a combination of the symptoms such as high blood pressure, obesity, and insulin resistance.
