Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Science and the existence of man

In the study of science, the topic of genetics is a common one.
Genetics teaches us about the transmission of genes from parents to offspring. The genes are the factors which determine the characteristics of living organisms. When we talk of resemblance of children to the parents we are taking about the characteristics children got from their parents.

Since man is sexually reproducing, what we see in children is a contribution of the genes from the father and mother to those children. Thus even at the time of choosing partners for marriage the two should consider their characteristics to predict how their children will look like.

Some genes are dominant (more powerful) that they show higher tendencies of expressing themselves that those which a recessive.

The characteristics of Height, skin color, Eye color, skin color, face shape; general body shape, ear shape and length are determined by the genes we get from our parents.

There is another issue that we need to properly understand. In human beings it is the man who determines the sex of a child. The genes are carried on threadlike structures called chromosomes. One of the chromosome pairs is for sex determination.
 The female humans only have the X type of chromosomes (XX). It is said that the females are homogametic because their gametes are similar. The human males on the other side have different chromosomes (XY). Some of their spermatozoa carry the X type and others the Y. 

At the time of fertilization, if the X from the man meets the X from the lady, the result is a baby girl. And again if the Y from the man meets the X from a lady, the result is a baby boy. For the issues to do with children sex it is the man who is responsible.

Important to remember also is that during copulation (sexual intercourse) millions of sperms are released. The fastest of all those released is the one that fertilizes the ovum. So there is surely not much that you can do to determine children sex.

Men have often times blamed their wives for producing single sex children; to the worst they have sometimes chassed them away to marry others. I think this should stop, it is not right and all children are equally important.

There are also other undesirable occurrences that happen in children. The issues like albinism and sickle cell.  Albinism is a condition where ones’ body lacks the pigment which determines skin color. Genetically the condition is controlled by recessive genes which only show their effect in a pair. Now the pair of the gene is contributed by the two parents in the gametes. Thus, seeing an albino in your house clearly indicates that you all contributed. Some of those genes are carried within us and can only express themselves in our offspring (the children).

The sickle cell trait is another problem. The genes for sickle cell are carried on the X chromosome. In males you are either a sufferer or free of it. Mostly the females are carriers of the gene. When you have sickle cell, your red blood cells cannot carry for you enough oxygen to meet your body needs. When you try to be active the oxygen demands rise and because you can’t get it you end up collapsing, sometimes in comma.

Many of these problems can however be avoided if we reasonably choose our marriage partners. Beyond the outward beauty of someone are other issues to consider. Life history is very necessary to know. We must screen our blood to know if we are free of disease and whether we are compatible.

Because we want to have happy families we must do these things and take up relationships basing on correctly proven principles.

You can surely fail to love, if all the children you get are sickly all the time. I have heard of a lady who so far has produced five children who die at infancy. She currently has a baby but she is very worried; she doesn’t know whether it will survive.

I hope this write up triggers your brain to think right. Help those who are challenged with problems like these I have sited.

Always visit ( healthandlivingtip.blogspot.com) for valuable life messages.

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